When making the front part of the cement restricted implant prosthesis, the choice of about is roughly divided into two kinds. The first is that each company has Ji Chengyong's cement about, and the second is to use UCLA about to customize about.
Case 1.
The most important stage in this case is to diagnose the wax up process. The diagnostic model must last until the end and ensure the correct about position.
Figure 1 ~ 3. There are three implants in the anterior part. The master cast is made and the diagnostic wax up is carried out.
Figure 4. Filled in the index with Qigong putty.
Figure 5-8. Install UCLA abutment and make a custom abutment using index. The index confirmation results showed that the position of above was different from the tooth position of the diagnostic model. But it doesn't matter much. The so-called self-made about referring to the index to find the position of teeth is the biggest advantage.
Figure 9-10. Precision casting milling
Figure 11 ~ 12. Production of superstructure of metal bonded porcelain. Similarly, you can also use index for simple and accurate wax up.
Figure 13 ~ 15. Before hanging spruce, separate the pattern with tofu powder, and then bury it to obtain the casting. After the precise fit of the surface is separated by rubber point, laser welding and metal processing are used.
Figure 16 ~ 17. After opawater treatment, dentin powder was formed. The author believes that the construction of dentin is the most important and difficult process in buil up. The correct construction of dentin ensures the shape and color depth of the final molten iron. In this process, simple and accurate polycondensation can also be carried out through the index made in advance. Of course, a special powder separating agent is used.
Figure 18 ~ 23. The powder of trans system is generated and contoured after 1 ~ 2 times of ignition.
Figure 24. Inside the mouth. There are differences in the color of gums. The author personally believes that if the crown length of molten iron is too long, use the pink powder that can reproduce the gums. The result can compensate for the seemingly longer crown length.
Figure 25. Use 3 custom abutments for a certain degree of natural (?) Can express prefixes.